Dockem Luxe Case for iPad Pro 10.5 and iPad Mini 2 - Elegant Canvas Style Synthetic Leather and Durable Polycarbonate Smart Shell Case (Grey/Black)

An elegant edition to your iPad Pro or iPad Mini, this case provides coverage of the front and back of your iPad. The elegant twill canvas style leather coating offers a unique look and feel, while the durable polycarbonate shell provides solid protection. The smart cover with embedded magnets provides the standard on/off function you've come to expect, while also helping to keep the cover closed.
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  • Soft microfiber lining and durable polycarbonate hard shell provides total front and back protection against fingerprints and scratches

    Tri-fold front cover for the iPad Pro version and dual-fold front cover for iPad Mini version.

    Dual standing positions for movie-viewing and keyboard-typing

    Magnetic smart cover supports automatic sleep/wake function.

  • iPad Mini 2 version:

    Compatible with the iPad Mini 2 only. No other iPad Minis will work with this case. 3 section cover with two folds and extra strong magnets to help keep the stand together Sleep/wake functionality in the cover

    iPad Pro 10.5 version:

    Compatible with the iPad Pro 10.5 and will only fit this device. 4 section cover with 3 folds to get the proper triangular fold for a secure stand. Sleep/wake functionality in the cover

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